PinnedPublished inDataDrivenInvestorHow Attractive is Risk Today?To fill a pail with rocks of different sizes, it’s better to put big rocks in first, and then finish with small rocks. Investing is…Dec 13, 2023Dec 13, 2023
The 8 Types of WorkspaceWhat the heck is the office market anyway? Making blanket statements about the “office” market is like watching Chris Helmsworth and Danny…Jan 29, 2024Jan 29, 2024
Published inDataDrivenInvestorIt’s Time to BuildIn the early days of the pandemic, Marc Andreeson penned the piece It’s Time to Build. This argument for more manufacturing — of vaccines…Jan 22, 2024Jan 22, 2024
Published inDataDrivenInvestorWhy the Tight CRE Debt Markets are a Positive for InvestorsReal estate returns are largely driven by capital flows, especially debt. These cycles vacillate predictably through fear and greed, taking…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
My 5 Aha’s from Atomic HabitsThe graph below is simple, but powerful. I don’t know how many times I have shared it with my 11 year old son.Nov 18, 2023Nov 18, 2023
Published inDataDrivenInvestorOne View on the Future Demand for Office SpaceThis analysis suggests demand for office space will fall 30%, from 6.8 billion square feet (2019) to 4.8 billon square feet. In comparison…Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Retail as a Predictor of Office’s FutureFor the last 15 years we have been warned that the “death of retail” was imminent, murdered by Amazon and Doordash. There was solid logic…Sep 7, 2023Sep 7, 2023
Published inRevolutionWork-from-Where?In the following series, I’ll examine the current status of “work” and how it impacts lives — from where people are moving to how they are…Aug 8, 2023Aug 8, 2023
Thoughts on the Real Estate CycleWhen studying economics in college, I assumed that investing and economics were sciences, where getting the right discount rate[1] allowed…Feb 6, 2023Feb 6, 2023
Real Estate NichesI have been listening to this podcast “60 songs that explain the ‘90s”, which is fun. An episode on Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know”…Dec 12, 2022Dec 12, 2022